Sometime I can read few chapters in a go, other days only managed to complete few pages and in the bad days, none at all.
When I was younger, I can read one book in one setting....I remembered completing Perfect by Judith McNaught in one night ( and I missed the class the next day, so it was not a good example actually).
And I spent one morning after subuh prayer until zuhur reading Ayat-ayat Cinta by Kang Abik few years ago.
I doubt I can get that feeling (and time) to re-do that kind of thing.
I would say the end of 2009 particularly for Nov and December was my breastfeeding-reading month.
I completed 3 books on breastfeeding (excluding the curriculum from LLI and other small hand-outs on breastfeeding).

Honestly, most of the book have sort of similar contents but of course with different approach.
Reading is a great way to increase my knowledge on breastfeeding and I don't feel it as a waste of my money spending on those kind of books.
After 2-3 months spending time on breastfeeding books, I guess it's about time I moved on to other genre.
I checked my "waiting list"....
So I just realized I have not read
Travelog Haji,
Ke mana duit anda,
Three cups of tea.
and few academic books on yes, breastfeeding still.

Wow..such an inspirational book...( I plan to make a dedicated book review on it, just pray for me yea).
After taking a few days off from a book (but not stop reading ), I started on my next book, Travelog Haji.
Not sure how many days I have to spend on this book , but I guess lesser than the previous one.(I hope Wafa can sleep early so I can read more).
I wish I have more time to read.
I wish I have a courage to start writing too.
Because via reading, you know you have to write something to make it
more valuable.
Just remember one thing.
Reading is an endless journey ....
So let's read...
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