Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Semenjak perkenalan saya dengan radio IKIM, saya rasa stesen radio lain sangat membosankan....dengan lagu dan pengisian yang tiada arah tuju dan matlamat.

Pernah sekali saya terdengar satu siaran stesen hiburan nombor satu di Malaysia ketika saya makan di satu gerai, topik yang dibincangkan adalah, baju apakah yang dipakai sempena Hari Raya nanti dengan pasangan (suami/isteri, tunang, pakwe/makwe)....kadang-kadang sampai menjelekkan.

Jika dibandingkan dengan rancangan Suara Hati, Usrah on-air, Islam dan peradaban dan lain-lain program hiburan yang bermatlamat di IKIM fm.
Saya bukan bekerja di IKIM fm atau diupah oleh radio tersebut untuk memuji mereka tetapi bagi saya yang sukakan pengisian ilmu (bagi seorang yang sukar untuk menghadiri majlis ilmu secara formal) ia sangat membantu.

"Topik yang kita bincang bersama Ir hari ini adalah Hijrah dan azam tahun baru" DJ Siti membuka bicara pada suatu petang...

Saya yang sedang memandu merasa teruja, memang bertepatan dengan sambutan tahun baru berganda baru-baru ini.

"Kita buka talian sekarang bagi sesiapa yang ingin berbicara dengan Ir" DJ terus petah berkata-kata.

"Okay, pemanggil seterusnya, assalamualaikum..."

"Saya Muhammad, kalau Ir masih ingat, dulu saya ada telefon berkaitan dengan rasuah....dan sempena azam baru ini saya pun bagi notis meletakkan jawatan kepada company saya....kemudian bos saya cakap berhenti hari ni jugak....jadi saya masih terkejut lagi sekarang ni....kalau boleh minta Ir bagi semangat pada saya untuk menghadapi perkara ini" pemanggil bercerita...

Ya Allah....air mata saya bergenang...

Bagi saya ianya satu hijrah yang sangat-sangat mulia - untuk membebaskan diri dari najis rasuah ( yang nampaknya masih berleluasa terutama untuk mendapatkan tender projek) dan beliau telah Allah uji , saya kira secara 'on the spot'

Bukan semua orang boleh melakukan seperti itu, namun Allah telah memilih saudara kita Muhammad untuk keluar dari belenggu rezeki yang penuh dengan syubhat itu.

"Saya ingat saudara Muhammad ini, beliau pernah menelefon kita untuk menceritakan company yang beliau kerja, sebab dia ni jurutera, dan kami pernah menasihatkan kalau boleh keluarlah dari tempat itu dan carilah rezeki di tempat yang lebih baik......" Ir Ahmad Jais, Pengarah IKIM fm terus memberikan kata-kata semangat ....

"Insya allah ada rezeki yang lebih baik di tempat lain"

Kata-kata semangat terus di berikan kepada beliau di udara oleh DJ dan Ir tuan Pengarah radio.

Entah kenapa saya sangat terkesan dengan peristiwa itu....

Sedih kerana menyedari rasuah masih berleluasa....dan kita hampir tidak mampu untuk berbuat apa-apa mengenainya.
Terharu kerana ALlah telah membuka hati saudara kita itu untuk berhijrah.

Lalu pantas jari jemari saya menaip sms untuk dihantar kepada IKIM.

"Kepada encik Muhammad yang telah berhijrah dari najis rasuah, tahniah kerana anda telah mengambil langkah yang tepat.Yakinlah Allah bersifat Ar-Razzaq dan muka bumi Allah ini sangat luas untuk kita semua"

Saya hanya boleh mendoakan semoga beliau diberikan rezeki yang melimpah ruah di tempat yang lebih baik  dan beristiqamah dengan hijrah beliau.



30 Disember 2009

Monday, December 28, 2009


CHICAGO - MARCH 06:  Carlos Guzman prepares a ...
It's all started after I ventured on baking my very own home made breads and pizzas.
Thanks for my newly-owned ( ermm..not so new, a few months though), bread-maker machine cum baking oven.

So, naturally, cheese will come into the picture...


Eventually, I spent more and more time at the chilled-products shelves reading all the ingredients in the cheeses....even the HALAL logos were all there...

I dont trust logo as much as my knowledge and my instinct.

It was not infrequent for me to put back the cheese I adored just because I had doubt of it contents.
How I wish Malaysia can make her own thoughts just wandered one day.

"It's quite imposibble, we dont have enough cows and milk, let alone to make our own cheese", my inner voice simply countered my thoughts.

But Allah the Al-mighty just the Most Knowing.

I read one article on one local company, who made cheese from our very own resources...PALM OIL.

I did not spent a minute more to find out the details.

I was just so relieved to find out that is Muslim company and yes they carried Mozarella cheese, one of the important cheese in pizza-making.
Only God knows how happy was I at that time.
But...there was no distributor in my area...I got to know this from their website.

Obviously, I could not buy online , so I sms the owner, decided to become a distributor myself with minimal capital ( I just have my spirit to back me up) and arranged a meeting with her.

So, after spending one day in Masjid Negeri Shah Alam waiting for my husband to complete his task, we head on to Kawasan Peridustrian Bukit Raja Shah Alam, nervous and excited, at the same time.

Puan Mastura and her husband, is a great couple.
They have clear vision and mission.
To provide Muslims in Malaysia with Halal, doubt-free , high quality and nutritious cheese.

Puan Masture is not just anybody.
She hold a PhD in law and used to be a margistrate and owned her own law firm before she decided to do cheese-related business full time.
It all started when she frequently went to  European country and visited a cheese farm...

She got a shock of her life!!!...the so called Halal and non Halal cheese were manufactured in the same farm, processed with the same machine...

Being a cheese lover herself, she said..ENOUGH OF TAKING CHEESE.

But she converted this major problem into a real oppurtunity and when the timing was just right, she just grapped the chance and now own a cheese-manufacturing company, using our very own natural resources, palm oil.

I want to be part of this team.
I decided to become a distributor..
And I created a dedicated blog about it....   do check this out.

To tell the world, we, Malaysians, now can produce our own cheese...
Our cheeses also come with great quality and above all, very nutritious as it contain no cholesterol as palm oil does not contain cholesterol.

To make it more interesting, the owners are MUSLIMS..
So, any more reason NOT to support us?




For those staying in SEREMBAN AND know where to get me..


28 December 2009

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I got this complementary sample from Kak Latifah , Hilyah Islamic design.

May Allah gives her strenght and prosperity in continuing and expanding her good-intention business.

I like it.

The design is simple but I think still can use a bit of flowery aka motherly embroidery on the side of the jubah.
The current sweet little embroidery at the top of the jubah is hidden by the tudung.
So I thought if it appear at the bottom or at the side , it will enhance the design.

Only one small thing....
The small tag that carry the Hilyah brand is put at the side of the jubah, quite low down and is not covered by the tudung.
It looks quite weird.
Actually, I did not realized it until my sister in law (who has very sharp eyes) noticed and mentioned that to me.
Hopefully the next batch, the placement of the brand tag will be move.

At first, I thought the material will somewhat cling to my body but surprisingly  no....eventhough I wear size M , the material won't cling to my body.

The nursing opening is just nice and it covers well too.
Kak Latifah purposely cut the length a bit longer than usual because the fabric will shrunk after washing....but after one wash, it still look OK to me.

One note from Kak Latifah... have to handwash it using cold water....(not warm)

Overall, I like it ...
Hopefully more colours will come up and minor modifications as I mentioned can be improvised.

For mothers and fathers(who want to surprise their wives) who are looking for a nursing jubah, you should try this one, the price is very affordable too.

Check it out.

Jazakillahu khairan kathiraa..Kak Latifah...


16 Disember 2009 

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Thursday, December 10, 2009




School holiday.

End of the year.

5 children.

Wedding event.

And bibik was on leave.


Ordinary mom and dad became SUPERMOM  and SUPERDAD.

Both still have to go to work  and all children were at home...with a helpful granny.

Tasks were segregated.

MOU achieved.

SUPERDAD agreed to take the 'tender" of laundry (except the cloth diaper)

SUPERMOM will do everything else  that she could.

SUPERMOM learned to wake up EARLY nasi lemak and baby's food for the one year old.Juggling between pumping and working.
Trying to bake homemade bread and pizza.

Eldest daughter...well.... being the first and have been exploring her own world...

Second daughter..more reliable and taking care of the youngest...alhamdulillah...

The family became more creative - using 'dulang " for meals to spare the plates.

SUPERDAD cleaned the 4th daughter before SUPERMOM brought her to her workplace...

If SUPERMOM was not tired, tried to cook something for dinner...

LIFE is not easy....but manageable

Having said that, counting days for bibik to return.


10 December 2009

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